
This Week at the Abbey

St. Anselm's Parent Association Communications
Calendar to Volunteer for Abbeywear Sales POC: Jenny M, Eva S, and Laura L

Announcing Abbeywear subcommittees! 1) Sales (in-person events), 2) Purchasing, 3) Inventory. We are looking for three people for each
Hospitality • Hospitality Initiatives • SUGS Coming Soon: Priory Players, Spring Concert, and Art Exhibition POC: Nicole W (Hospitality Co-Chair and Form III Rep) Miriam Rudolph (Hospitality), and Tatiana Miro (Form A Rep and Hospitality)
We would love your help! Please let your Form Rep or the POC know if you can volunteer.
***** SAAS Development Office is providing value-in-kind notes for donations. Please let them know about sponsorship requests and gifts so they can be thanked *******
Date: March 14th, 2025, 8:00 am Mezzanine and Abbey Chapel • Refreshments • General Cadence: First Friday of the month. Book: “Pray, Think, Act. Make Better Decisions with the Desert Fathers” by J. Augustine Wetta. OSB, a Benedictine monk from the St. Louis community POC: Laura L: CLLIBANATI@GMAIL.COM
● Support: Build support for the goals articulated through the SAAS IHC. Build support for the school and its mission through the families of students and other members of the school community.
● Communicate: Facilitate communication between the school administration and parents regarding school policy and activities.
● Fundraise: Assist the school and the trustees in raising funds for the school and support SAAS PA activities.
● Engage: Create social, educational, cultural, and religious programs to build community.
● Serve: Harness parents' skills, talents, and time in service to the school.
Events Links & Info
Monday 3/3 • No School: Parent Teacher Conferences • Newly Admitted SAAS High School Welcome Event  6pm -8pm 

• SAAS Looking for a middle school Track coach! email Mr. G and Raquel Terry with interest • New! Volunteer to be a Team Parent contact Raquel Terry and Mr. G • Game of the Week Volunteer Dates and Slots coming soon
Admissions Upper SUG

Abbey Parents & Volunteers: Booster Club Support 
Tuesday 3/4 • Admissions Dept. Volunteer Opportunity • current middle school families needed to: help welcome newly admitted Middle School families (March 14) and/or donate refreshments

• Coffee Connect @ 10:20

• SAAS Bookdrive 2/28-3/20: Good condition paperbacks
Help Admissions Welcome Newly admitted Middle Schoolers

Coffee Connect Link
Wednesday 3/5 • First day of Spring sports •
Check out our Abbeywear shop!
• Check out the Abbey Calendar to sign up to sell Abbeywear • Customizable Abbeywear anytime, any house, any Fine Arts Department, coming soon!!
Abbeywear Shop

Calendar to Volunteer for Abbeywear Sales
Thursday, 3/6 Priory Players The Great Gatsby Intermission SUG Great Gatsby SUG
Friday 3/07 Look for ways to help Form IV with Trivia Night on April 4
Saturday 3/08 •Volunteer Pictures: Consider taking a picture of yourself volunteering and/or ways you are volunteering/donating to build our community. SAAS would love to spotlight our community-building!
Future Events
Great Gatsby Middle School Priory Players parents, we need help supporting the upper school’s production.

PA Form Led Events
Trivia Night (4/4) Form IV Reps (Kerry Nangle & Melissa Del Rios) 

Graduation (5/31) Form V Reps (Sarah Pietras, Amy Dohart, Richard Simpmier & Bob Carey)

Form II Move Up Ceremony Form I Reps (Raquel Terry, Nancy Caretta & Bob Caretta)

Teacher Appreciation Week (May 5th-9th) Form A Reps (Nia Liazanna, JC Coffey, & Jennifer Coffey)

Hospitality Initiatives POC: Hospitality

2nd Trimester Teacher Treats (TBD) 

Parent Teacher conferences teacher refreshments (3/TBD) 

Fine Arts Night (5/10) 

Spring Concert and Art Exhibition (4/11) Abbey Booster Club and Athletics POC: Raquel Terry (Athletic Liaison & Form II Rep)

Gatorade Donations : The Athletics Department is asking for cases of Gatorade as a donation at any time. Please drop it off at the school office for the Athletics Department. Abbey Booster Club's Spring Game of the Week coming soon! •New! Volunteer to be a Team Parent contact Raquel Terry and Mr. G

Coffee Connect POC: Paul H (Coffee Connect Liaison) General Cadence: First Tuesday 10:20-10:50 am, and Third Thursday 2:15 PM-2:55 pm Coffee Connect via Mr. Corrigan's Zoom Email Questions: Email Executive Google Groups : with Paul H

Fine Arts POC: Aleacia C (Fine Arts Liaison) The Next Priory Player event is March 14-16th upper school and May 9-10 Middle School. Please be on the lookout for ways to help the PA support the upcoming plays! The Great Gatsby is showing March 14th-16th! SUG for The Great Gatsby HERE !